12 November 2007

@ Esplanade with September babies!!!

Well, we are a funny bunch of monkeys. First we went for drink and than dessert and lastly the main course. I can never get enough of baileys. BAILEYS RULZ
As usual ANU MONKEY posing...
Anu ordered a Drink called "Snowball". As the name says it all... the most disgusting drink ever!! Egg yolk, seven up and gin!!! GWAD!
@ Chocolate Bar ( Esplanade )
So we had desserts next....mmmm
wah lau, after work still have stamina to pose!
Dinner @ Humble House ( Esplanade )

The dinner was nice but the ambience was better!
She never get tired of posing but we get tired of snapping!!!

Signed off @
3:55:00 PM